Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
Examination of Career Choice Competency from Self-Consciousness Level Perspective
Abdulsamet Duran, Zeliha Traş, Emine Duran
Yozgat Bozok University (Turkey), Necmettin Erabakan University (Turkey)

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Pages: 577-586
Keywords: Self-Consciousness, Self- Consciousness Level, Career Choice, Career Choice Competency
This research aims to determine the relationship between university students' self-consciousness levels and their career choice competencies, to examine the predictive level of self-consciousness and career choice competency and to examine the level of self-consciousness and career choice competence based on education level and gender. The research was designed as a relational screening model, which is one of the descriptive survey types. The research group consists of undergraduate and associate degree students studying at various state universities in Turkey. The research group consists of a total of 569 university students, 398 of whom (69.9%) are female and 171 of whom (30.1%) are male, aged between 18 and 24. 268 (47.1%) associate and 301 (52.9%) undergraduate degree students participated in the research. The average age of the research group was 20.12. In the data collection process; the Self-consciousness Scale, Student Career Construction Inventory and Personal Information Form were used. According to the results of the correlation analysis; a low level of positive and significant relationship was found between the students' self-consciousness levels and career choice competencies (r=.147). According to the results of regression analysis; it was found that the level of self-consciousness predicts career choice competency at a statistically significant level. The findings obtained from this study were discussed based on the literature.
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