Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 April 2023
Evaluation of Turkish Teaching Set Prepared for Syrian Immigrant Students in Turkey According to Teachers' Views
Ümmü Gülsüm Altıner Bozlak, Halit Çelikkaya, Ali Önal, Ayhan Kıraç
Ministry of Interior (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey)

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Immigration, Immigrants, Teaching Turkish, Teaching Turkish to Foreigners, Turkish Teaching Set
Many resources are used when teaching Turkish about the immigrant future in Turkey. At the beginning of these sources used are the textbooks in which explanations are used. The descriptive model was used in the qualitative research designs of this education, according to the purpose of evaluating the Turkish education set consisting of three books and economics within the scope of the Project for Supporting the Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System (PICTES). Easy cost case run, one of the purposive run methods, was used to calculate the run data. For this purpose, 20 teachers who used the Turkish teaching set were interviewed and semi-interviews were conducted. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and presented on the analyzed tables. Based on the opinions received from teachers; The Turkish education set has been presented in terms of form, content, learning-oriented distribution, sophisticated conformity, contribution to teaching from narratives, and general evaluation of the books. As a result of the study, the teacher; Although some deficiencies were declared in the study set, it was determined that the evaluations for the study set were positive.
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