Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 August 2024
Effectiveness of Learning Model Based on Sustainable Development for Indonesian Prospective Electrical Engineering Educators
Hamonangan Tambunan, Dadang Mulyana, Mega S. Dewy, Muhammad Isnaini
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

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Pages: 120-129
Keywords: Electrical Engineering Education, Sustainable Development, Interdisciplinary Learning, Environmental Ethics
Sustainable development has become crucial in various fields, including electrical engineering education. This study proposes a learning model incorporating sustainable development principles to better prepare prospective electrical engineering teachers in Indonesia. The model emphasizes interdisciplinary learning outcomes, cognitive mapping of sustainability concepts, and the integration of environmental ethics into the curriculum. The development of the model uses the ADDIE model and involves participants consisting of several potential users and experts. The investigation results show that the developed model is quite effective based on the criteria according to the N-Gain coefficient obtained.
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