Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 25 January 2022
Effect of Digital Game Addiction and Social Anxiety Levels on Recreational Active Adolescents
Serhat Turan, Tuncay Öcal, Ömer Cengiz
Balıkesir University (Turkey), Aksaray University (Turkey), Siirt University (Turkey)

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Pages: 40-47
Keywords: Digital Game Addiction, Social Anxiety, Adolescent
The aim of the research is to investigate the digital game addiction and social anxiety levels of adolescents who play sports recreationally. 226 adolescents (69 girls, 157 boys) who do sports recreationally participated in the research. In the research, the personal information form prepared by the researcher and the short form of the digital game addiction scale (DGAS-7) developed by Lemmens and friends (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Irmak and Erdoğan (2015) and La Greca and others, (1988) developed by Demir and others, (2000) Social Anxiety Scale for Children which was adapted into Turkish, were used. SPSS 22 statistical program was used in the analysis of the research. Manova analysis and regression analysis were used in the research. The level of significance in the research was taken as p<.01. As a result of the analysis, the digital game addiction score averages of boys were found to be significantly higher than girls. As a result of the regression analysis, it was determined that digital game addiction, together with the variables of gender and having a computer at home, predicted social anxiety at a statistically significant level.
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