Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 17 March 2022
Distance Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Both Sides of Accountability: Opinions of Teachers and Parents
Züleyha Ertan Kantos, Aslı Yurttaş, Murat Taşdan, Zuhal Topcu
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Kafkas University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey)

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Pages: 432-448
Keywords: Covıd-19, Distance Education, Parent-Teachers, Pandemic, Education Information Network
This study, which aims to examine the distance education experiences of people who work as teachers but who are also parents during the COVID-19 pandemic uses descriptive phenomenology, an approach used in qualitative research. The analysis revealed six main themes that explain the distance education experiences of parent-teachers -- students' academic learning environment, teacher-student communication, use of EIN (education information network) and live lessons, family support, advantages and limitations of distance education, and teachers' views on distance education. The study concluded that the academic learning environment students have during distance learning is inadequate, that the quality and duration of student-teacher communication during distance learning is inadequate, that the quality of teacher-student communication favored students in private schools over teacher parent-children communication, that parent-teachers possessed negative views about distance education, and that distance learning led to unequal opportunities among students..
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