Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 June 2022
Digital Learning Literacy Preference and Accessibility of Universitas Terbuka (UT)’s SUAKA-UT: An Evaluation towards Its System of Open Educational Resource (OER)
Jamil, Kusmaladewi
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

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Pages: 577-587
Keywords: SUAKA-UT, Online Learning Resources, Flexible
This article aims to analyze the preference and accessibility that determine the students' behavioural appreciation in using learning resources towards the Open Educational Resources (OER) system owned by the Universitas Terbuka (UT), a so-called SUAKA-UT. It used qualitative research methods with descriptive percentage analysis. Furthermore, the instrument employed a Sakal Likert questionnaire and limited interviews. The research population was a non-basic educational program, with the random sampling technique by selecting 123 students. The following sample details: 35 students in Makassar City, 19 Students in Sidrap Regency, 23 students in Tana Toraja Regency, 23 Students in Selayar Regency, and 23 students in Luwu Timur Regency. The results showed that the preference for online sources and accessibility is in the excellent category and had an average score of 4.10 out of ten SUAKA-UT service questions. They showed that, generally, the respondents strongly agree with the available learning resources since they can meet the needs and accessibility of online learning resources. Preference for online learning resources is a supporting tool for achieving independent learning success. The utilization of SUAKA-UT in the working area of UT Makassar went very well in providing easy access to learning resources. The UT has met students' needs and expectations so they can study flexibly. SUAKA-UT has become a preferred and has excellent acceptance as an online learning resource among the students. To maintain the existence of open learning sources of UT (SUAKA-UT), as a distance learning university with the motto of "Making Higher education," it must consistently innovate and update its online learning resources.
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