Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 March 2022
Determining the Training Needs and Qualification Levels of Counsellor Candidates regarding “Therapeutic Skills” in the Process of Individual Counseling Training
Hakan Gülveren, Hafiz Bek
Usak University, Turkey

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Pages: 395-406
Keywords: Therapeutic Skills, Individual Counseling, Qualification Level
This study is aimed at determining the training needs and qualification levels of counseling candidates concerning invitation to speak, reflecting feelings, minimal encouragement, reflection of content, personalization, self- addition, self-disclosure, summarization and confrontation skills during the psychological counseling process. In the present study, summative content analysis was used. 20 students (12 female, 8 male) who took Invidividual Counseling Course in the spring term of 2019- 2020 academic year constitute the study group. “Counselor Qualifications Evaluation Form” developed by Eryılmaz and Mutlu- Süral was employed to identify the qualifications regarding the skills. Supervision was observed to be sufficient in terms of developing the qualifications of minimal encouragement, reflection of content, reflecting feelings (except from counselor’s prolonged speech), summarization and self- disclosure. On the contrary, it was seen that supervision was not sufficient in developing other qualifications as personalization, initiation to speak and self- addition and it was found that candidates needed training regarding confrontation skills.
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