Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 27 September 2021
Determination of Psychological Counsellor Candidates’ Competency Levels and Educational Needs in terms of Therapeutic Conditions in the Process of Individual Counselling
Hafız Bek, Hakan Gülveren
Usak University, Turkey
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Pages: 606-616
Keywords: Psychological Counsellor, Educational Needs, Therapeutic Conditions
The purpose of the present study is to enhance the quality of psychological counselling education by identifying needs and competencies in the field. The lack of specific studies on therapeutic conditions in psychological counseling education on a national scale has led us to conduct the current study. The study group consists of 20 students (12 female, 8 male) taking Individual Counselling course during spring term in 2019- 2020 academic year. According to the audio recordings, the participants were seen to be unable to behave at expected level under the title of concreteness of therapeutic conditions. In addition, they were observed not to provide necessary conditions under the title of transparency. However, it has been revealed that they managed to develop empathy. Moreover, they were seen to be unable to fulfill here and now principle at expected level. Finally, they were found to perform respect conditions.
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