Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 February 2022
Burnout Status of U18 Women’s National Ice Hockey Team Players in Turkey
Kurudirek Muhammet İrfan, Kurudirek Muharrem Alparslan
Artvin Coruh University (Turkey), Ataturk University (Turkey)

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Pages: 81-89
Keywords: Women’s Ice Hockey, Burnout, COVID-19
This study aimed to determine the athletic burnout of the under-18 (U18) women’s ice hockey national team players and examine their burnout levels in terms of age, education level, sports history, training frequency, inability to participate in a match due to COVID-19, and history of injury. The research population consisted of the U18 women’s ice hockey national team players in Turkey. The sample comprised 27 athletes randomly selected from the target population based on voluntariness. A questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as a data collection tool. The first part of the questionnaire included a personal information form developed by the researcher to determine the characteristics of the participants, such as age, education level, sports history, training frequency, whether they missed any ice hockey matches due to COVID-19, and history of injury. In the second part, the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, developed by Raedeke and Smith in 2001 and adapted to Turkish by Kelecek et al. in 2016, was administered to measure the athletic burnout levels of the participants. The research findings revealed that the athletes’ burnout levels were generally low, but those with a history of disability lasting longer than three months and those that missed ice hockey matches due to COVID-19 had higher burnout levels compared to the remaining participants.
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