Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 May 2022
Argumentation-Based Teaching in Science Education: Meta-Analysis
Nagihan Yıldırım
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey

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Pages: 226-237
Keywords: Argumentation, Meta-Analysis, Science Education
The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis study to examine the effectiveness of the argumentation-based teaching method in terms of sample, subject, years and some variables (academic success, attitude, interest, etc.). Meta-analysis method was used in this study. In order to gather the studies included in meta-analysis, various sources were used in the study. Three type studies were brought together for the meta-analysis: journal articles, doctoral and master thesis. The Social Science Citatio Index (SSCI) journals, Turkish Academic Network and Information Center Social Science Database, national printed journals, Academic Search Complete, Education Research Complete and ERIC databases were searched for journal articles. The Council of Turkish Higher Education Thesis Center was scanned to get the dissertations/theses. While scanning these platforms, the key concepts of "argumentation", "argumentation-based science teaching", "argumentation-based science education", "discussion-oriented teaching method to science" were used. So, 47 studies were used in the meta-analysis. In the study, as a result of the meta-analysis on the argumentation-based teaching process at the national level, it was determined that there was no significant difference in terms of the level of classes in which the studies were conducted and the independent variables examined in the studies, but there was a significant difference between the subject areas in favor of the subject area of chemistry.
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