Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 November 2018
Apparel Tailoring Skill Improvement through Cooperative Learning and Action Research Methods
Dewi Suliyanthini, Harsuyanti Lubis, Cholilawati
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

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Currently, an integrated train station is under construction in Manggarai, thus resulting several teenagers had to drop out of school due to land acquisition. This community service activity provides skill training and socialization for the drop-out teenager in the age of 16 – 21 years old in South Manggarai to make apparels. This service, as a part of Tri Dharma activity from Universitas Negeri Jakarta, is the right activity to provide them with some skills and expertise. The strategy to socialize and equip them with skills was cooperative learning, in group work and assignment on how to make simple shirts in Shibori tie-dye pattern. The learning process was conducted with action research of John Elliot's model by going through 3 (three) learning stages on 20 participants. On the first stage implementation result, a number of 4 participants from Shibori tie-dye competent group got 88 or excellent, a number of 3 participants from making apparel pattern group got 8a or satisfactory, a number of 4 participants from basic tailoring group got 85 or good. On the second stage implementation, there were only 2 participants who received a good assessment for tailoring simple woman apparel. Then, on the third stage, a number of 2 participants from tailoring woman apparel group got 85 or good.
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