Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 June 201
An Analysis of Elementary Teaching Undergraduate Program in Terms of 21st Century Skills
Ahmet Kanmaz
Pamukkale University

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Pages: 526-538
Keywords: 21st Century Skills, Elementary Teacher Education
21st century skills emerge is one of the most crucial competencies that need to be considered in teacher education. With this in mind, the fundamental objectives of this study is to analyze the pre-service teachers’ competencies and perceptions of 21st century skills that are effectively present in today’s world. Explanatory mixed method was applied in this study. The aim of the study is to reveal the adequacy of the undergraduate elementary teaching program in the acquisition of 21st century skills from the perspective of pre-service teachers. In the study, quantitative data was collected through descriptive screening method, and qualitative data was collected through phenomenological analysis. 21st century skills scale was utilized to collect quantitative data, and semi-structured interview form was used to collect qualitative data. The sample of the study consists of 411 pre-service elementary teachers studying at a state university. According to the findings obtained, pre-service teachers perceived themselves quite sufficient in terms of “21st century skills”. Given the qualitative findings, pre-service teachers reported that the learning-teaching processes were ineffective in the context of achieving 21st century competencies. As a matter of fact, 21st century skills are defined as skills that should be acquired within the scope of the elementary teaching undergraduate program. Failure to teach these skills emerges as the most significant limitation of the program. In particular, these skills and evaluations should be incorporated into the curricula content of faculties of education.
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