

Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799







Published: 30 April 2021
A Critical Perspective on the Removal of the Teacher’s Guidebooks from the Curriculum
Hasan Kurnaz
Gaziantep University, Turkey

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Pages: 36-46
Keywords: Teacher's Guidebook, Turkish Language Teacher, Professional Teacher
The purpose of this study is to determine the Turkish Language teachers’ views on the removal of teacher’s guidebooks from the curriculum. This study employed case study, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group consisted of 66 Turkish Language teachers. The study group was formed using the maximum variation sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods. A structured interview form developed by the researcher was used in collection of data. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data obtained from the participants. The majority of the participating teachers stated that they did not approve the removal of the teacher’s guidebooks. Teachers expressed that they did not approve the removal of the teacher’s guidebooks due to their positive contribution to the teaching of the lessons and preparation for the lesson, and due to their contribution to the course’s standards, and stated that should be reprinted.
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