Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 February 2023
A Correlational Study of Happiness and Self-Determination among Vietnamese Students Across Educational Levels
Lam Huy Phuong, Pratchayapong Yasri
HACA International School (Vietnam), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand)

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Pages: 376-387
Keywords: Happiness, Self-Determination, Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary, High School, Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Available research separately shows the importance of happiness and self-determination in education. However, the effects of student happiness on learning motivation across educational levels is still lacking compelling verifications. This study employed the subjective happiness scale (SHS) and self-determination research to explore each aspect as well as the relevance between these two variables. The findings give insights about current levels of happiness and studying motivations in different educational groups in Vietnam. Applied in all academic levels, there is a statistical correlation between happiness and self-determination: if the students have high levels of happiness at their schools, they are likely to have a stronger positive learning motivation. Analysis of the research results indicates that kindergarten and elementary students have the highest level of happiness as well as the strongest intrinsic motivation for learning. Also high school students, having the lowest level of happiness, might need more support by alternative methods.
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