Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 18 May 2020
‘He is So Determined! I Can Also Do It and Be Like Him’: Exploring Campus Male Influence in Female
Students’ Career Aspirations
Justine Namaganda, Joseph Kimoga
Uganda Management Institute (Uganda), Makerere University (Uganda)
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Pages: 162-169
Keywords: Male and Female, Career Aspiration, Courage, Inspiration, Certainty
Being determined to achieve a purpose is a necessary ambition for success. Various factors influence one’s determination to pursue a specific goal. Scholars have spent much effort in exploring and discussing such factors in relation to female pursuance of career goals. However, little attention has been put on campus male influence on female students’ career aspirations. This is the main focus of this article. We find that campus male influence on the female students’ career aspirations is through female acquired courage, positive inspiration and strengthening certainty. We recommend that the Campus career guidance department year round instills and strengthens in the female students an ambitious focus on any non-gender exclusive career.
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